Saturday, February 24, 2007

These are a few weeks old! Mom came in town for a visit 2 weeks ago. Riley had a blast with her....Riley talked up a storm (not quite sure what she said...but she was laughing at herself a lot!). She still babbles a lot, but throws in "real" words here and there. She even started singing along to songs a little (she only says the words she knows!). This past week she was moved up a class at her mother's day out program. She is on the younger side of the age group instead of the oldest in her class. She loved it! Maybe this fall I will consider 2 days a week instead of 1.

The other pics are from Valentine's. We went to a sushi place in Dallas and then met up with our friend's Chris and Carrie afterwards. We had a really nice time.

I will post current pics soon.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

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70 degrees!

Although Riley and I have a bad cold, we managed to spend some time outside during this beautiful day.

So, the info. I was going to give you all is that we are going to Houston to meet with a pedi. neurologist who specializes in myelomeningocele (what Riley was born with). He is going to do a test that will let us know if I have an auto-antibody to folate. If I have it, then that means my body doesn't absorb folic acid correctly and I will have to make sure I take 5x the recommended dosage of folic acid (which I already am at the current time) before I get pregnant. Basically, the test will tell us why Riley was born with SB (that is if I do have the auto antibody, if not, then we may never know). Anyway's, the dr. who researched this in NY was telling me that all women planning a pregnancy should have this test, as well as take 5x the recommended dosage of folic acid before they become pregnant. I remember asking my old o.b. shortly after I had Riley why they don't tell all women PLANNING a pregnancy to take 4-5x the rec. dosage of folic acid...his reply was that 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned (he didn't answer the question!). OB's & women take that chance, assuming a healthy pregnancy, neural-tube defects only occur 1 in 1,000. My advice to all of my friend's and family....please take the extra folic acid or have the serum test done BEFORE you get pregnant, (it's hard to find someone who will do the test, maybe I can help you). Remember, a neural-tube defect happens in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy...before you even know you are pregnant!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Conley and Riley

Riley had a fun day with Conley today. They composed some music together on the piano...Conley was very intense and serious about it, so cute! Some pics. are from Saturday and Sunday, last weekend. (Doesn't Riley look cute for church?).
I have an update on our research regarding possible "baby #2", however, I am very tired and will post it tomorrow. Please remember to check the blog again because I have some very insightful information that all child-bearing age females should know about. Until next time...
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