This morning was Riley's last day of Mother's Day Out. They had a program where Riley performed a few songs along side her fellow classmates. I could not believe Riley knew the words and signs to Jesus Loves Me. I even sang it with her when we got home and she sang along with doing the signs all on her own (the words are a bit broken, but we know what she is saying!). It floors me how fast she learns things, (after Donnie left for work from the program, Riley said, "Daddy go office"). She is learning so much right now.
We enjoyed the first day of sun in a while today! Riley played with water and her swing set for several hours. After eating a nice dinner outside (which is not something you can do very often here in Texas), Donnie and Riley galloped around the house with their horsies "Sha-neigh-neigh" and "Kan-neiygh". Then we capped the evening off with several rounds of "ring around the rosie"...which all three of us HAVE to do (she attempts to get Sophie to play....but no such luck yet...I can't even get the dog to roll over, let alone ring around the rosie).
Tomorrow is a big day for Donnie. He stepped up to the challenge of taking the day off of work to watch Riley and her two cousins, Corbin and Conley, while my sister-in-law and I go shopping out of town all day. He plans to take them to Chuck-E-Cheese (I despise Chuck-E-Cheese....sounds like a big germ fest, eeewww!). Better him than I! They will have a blast. So, needless to say, Donnie gets the husband of the month award (it would have been husband of the week, but since he is watching our niece and nephew too, he deserves it). PRAY FOR HIM PLEASE! Just kidding, those kids are GREAT.