The past few days have been full of deep thought and heavy duty prayer! We are preparing, with a lot of research left to do, to make a very important decision....do we adopt or do we have another baby of our own ?????????????????????? ??????? ???? We are in no rush what-so-ever, but feel the need to embark on this scary, yet wonderful (either way) adventure now, (I have to be on extra folic acid at least 6 months prior to getting pregnant, and as I am sure you know, adoption is a very lengthy process as well)! We have so many questions that need to be answered! We are getting different answers as to the chance of us having another child with spina bifida....1%, 3-5%, or same chance as everyone else if I take 4x the recommended dosage of folic acid. What scares us is what if it is not related to my folic acid intake....what if it is related to the possible genetic disorder I may have (they can only prove I don't have a genetic disorder by 60%.....well, 40% is a big #, and obviously something went wrong the first time). If we knew that the worst it could be would be like Riley's severity of SB, then hey....we'll take the risk and FROG it (Fully Rely On God) :) . Riley's case of SB is mild (it's the most severe type, but a mild case of myelomeningocele). But spina bifida is crazy. It affects and involves more than you would think, ie. the eyes, brain, eating, breathing, major nerve damage (paralysis), bowels, bladder, and on and on and on. And the severity of each thing I just mentioned varies greatly too. Some of these things are things that we have to still watch for with Riley. Could I do it again.....but worse? I don't know? It would tear our hearts apart. So I guess what I am asking from you is heavy duty prayer. I do hope God makes the answer clear to us. Until we get that answer, let the research begin! Information and advice (we may take it or leave it!) :) on both topics are greatly welcome!
Picture incl.: We have found a great babysitter who we just adore. Riley just loves her! Riley's top choice of communication is signing, she says stuff, but would rather sign. Jessica is very fluent at signing and helps Riley along! Jessica took these pictures of Riley the other night. Clif, Angie, Jonathan....you would be so proud....a future concert pianist niece!
Sorry for the spelling errors...I am so tired and spell-check isn't working!
OH! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY....RILEY IS TAKING ABOUT 8-10 STEPS IN A ROW, BY HERSELF. She is getting so brave, just taking off from the couch or a big toy and walking away. IT'S AWESOME! She needs more work on her balance, but she is almost there. She is also doing well learning how to stand up by herself without holding onto anything to get up. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. (just shout it, like we do in church...it feels great!). Okay.....off to bed!
1 comment:
Sarah, Dave and I faced a similar situation of having another baby before Jillian was even a twinkle in my eye. Pregnancy with Jayna was so hard, delivery was very scary, and her beginnings of life were so uncertain. When we found out we were pregnant with Jillian, it seemed that God was saying, "I'm in control...not you." Just trust God. Trust that HE knows all. There's no way you can control this...other than making the decision not to have children. But TRUST God FULLY. Don't set limits on Him. Don't make Him prove you wrong. Let Him prove how AWESOME He is. Ji Ji is a perfectly healthy baby with no health issues. Jayna still has problems. GOD IS IN CONTROL. I love you. FF!!
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