Thursday, April 26, 2007

Riley "Hilton" chillin' in the backyard! I know I never posted my results of the test I took to see if I had the auto-antibody to folate. Well, I do. So, basically I don't absorb enough folic acid to pass it along to a developing fetus. Thus....the reason why Riley has spina bifida. I am not happy I have the auto-antibody, but it is somewhat of a relief to have an answer as to why Riley was born with SB. I am now taking 5 times the recommended dosage of folic acid for our next pregnancy.....but don't get any ideas....we are not ready for our next one yet! We are very content with one!

When I took this test, the scientist was telling me that ALL women should have this test that are in child-bearing years to know if they need extra folic acid prior and during a pregnancy. Or, take 5x more than what your normal prenatal pill offers. I took prenatals for 6 months before I got pregnant, and obviously during the pregnancy. I ate a ton of wheat germ and fortified cereal (my only craving), but I still didn't absorb enough. They have yet to market the test, but will soon. If you are interested, I will pass along the info. There is no such test to see how much you do or don't absorb, so they tell you to take gobs of it. I don't mean to be's obviously something close to my heart. I just want you all to be informed.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Texas Bluebonnets

She takes my breath away.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Day

Easter day was great. Riley caught on quickly to picking up eggs and she was the best dressed bunny out there with her beautiful dress that her Lulu knit for her. She was so crazy, running all over the place, as you can see in the last pic., she is leading the Snodgrass family to lunch!