Monday, January 29, 2007
Back In Business!
I can not believe how computer inept Donnie and I are! I have been unable to get into my blog for quite a while, and in fact set another one up in the meantime...but never posted anything on it. I guess I will use it to post my lastest projects, so check it every once in a while, I wish one of us was a little more savy with electronics...drives me nuts! are some pics. of random events from the past month. Riley is getting around very well now. She stands up on her own now without pulling up on something. She also said her first two words together, "bye bye Chae-chae" (her Aunt Chata), and "hi so-o-fee" (Sophie, our super-pup). She is understanding and saying so is so cool!!!
Clockwise from top to bottom: (1, 2) Cousin Conley witnesses Riley's 1st haircut (it doesn't look that different, just trimmed and cut a good portion of her Donald Trump piece), (3) Cousin Conley (I kept her for the day on Saturday while Donnie, Travis, and Chata worked at Travis' grand opening for his new shop Gearheads, the girls did great, even napped at the same time...I think maybe I could handle 2 children, but not yet!), (4) neighbor, Chandler and Riley after a group bath with Cole...after all, Riley is Korean, and don't Koreans bathe together?, (5) Riley playing in her crib, (6) Riley and Cole before bathtime, (7) Riley, Cole and Chandler the day it snowed here in Tx. (this happens about once a year here, it's been a cold January), (8) the true definition of "fruit of the loom", Riley's play-fruit velcroed to her bottom!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
So...this is pretty funny! Donnie and I went to see a movie tonight, The Pursuit of Happiness (GREAT movie by the way!), and you know what....the last movie we saw together was The Wedding Crashers (Summer '05)....and we had Riley in the theater with us then! Is that pathetic, or what??? Maybe one of the grandparents should move to Dallas so we can get out more (but not just for that reason alone)! Just think about the size of house you would have here! Yea, the Rockies are not out our front door, or the Puget Sound out our back door, but we have....we have....ummmmmmmmm, well, beautiful tornado swept prairies (just kidding, it's not that bad!).
Friday, January 05, 2007
Playing at the park in Seven Lakes!
Mitchell Family Christmas 2006 West End, North Carolina
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Waking up is hard to do!
Today I found Riley sleeping with a blanket over her face! It scared me at first, but she's old enough to pull it off if she doesn' t like it! I had to wake her to take her to her 18 month well check. These are the series of pics. I took! She reminds me so much of Donnie....the Franklin frown rears it's...head (it's not ugly....but it's not a smile either!). I better get use to the frown, she's on her way to turning 2, (although I hear 3 is harder). Her check-up went very well, the dr. is more than pleased with her walking, etc.
Oh, don't you just love those deep belly laughs from a baby??? Riley was just cracking up this evening. And you know what she was doing....throwing pieces of her dinner on Sophie's head, which lead to Sophie trying to get the food as fast as she could. Whatever makes her laugh! I just love listening to it! (discipline to follow next time!)
I will post Christmas, New Year's, and my NY trip pics. soon. Meanwhile, here is a post to hold you over!