So...this is pretty funny! Donnie and I went to see a movie tonight, The Pursuit of Happiness (GREAT movie by the way!), and you know what....the last movie we saw together was The Wedding Crashers (Summer '05)....and we had Riley in the theater with us then! Is that pathetic, or what??? Maybe one of the grandparents should move to Dallas so we can get out more (but not just for that reason alone)! Just think about the size of house you would have here! Yea, the Rockies are not out our front door, or the Puget Sound out our back door, but we have....we have....ummmmmmmmm, well, beautiful tornado swept prairies (just kidding, it's not that bad!).
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I know that next year at this time, I'll be doing the same thing and wondering where time has gone! I look forward to all of the milestones that Eva will hit, but it is bitter sweet at the same time...I try to capture as much as I can and cherish every moment...the good, the bad, and the ugly, but I know there are still things I'm forgetting or will forget! It's sad, isn't it?
Riley is so fortunate to have such wonderful parents and I'm so glad to hear all of the good news about her! She's doing so well!!!! I pray it continues! Big hugs!!!
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